Mainstream and alternative rock for Central Connecticut.

New Video: Excerpts from Friend's Cafe Show

16 September 2023

Yeah, we know the quality isn’t great, but we want to share it anyway. :) Not everything has to be polished, right? We brought out an old-school, pre-smartphone camera with a video mode and set it up on a tripod to record the show. Mic on the camera picked up too much of the frequencies in the vocal range, or maybe the mix was off. We’ll get some proper video and audio in the near future.

What you can see here is a good example of what you get when you book TrackOne – seriously energetic sound. We really don’t hold back. This was song 16 of 40 that night, and we went strong to the end. Let us know what you think on our contact page.

Next show Saturday, August 24!