Mainstream and alternative rock for Central Connecticut.

Upcoming: Gig & giveaway on Sept 22!

13 September 2023

Our next show is September 22 at Jerry’s in Middletown at 7pm. Jerry’s and TrackOne are going to give away some free stuff!

All you have to do to win is come hang out with us at Jerry’s – everyone who comes through the door while TrackOne is there gets a raffle ticket free of charge. We’ll pull numbers throughout the night for food and drinks, and then for the second and first prizes at a yet-to-be-determined time. (We aren’t worried about you leaving early or coming just for the raffle. You would never do that, right?)

All we ask is that you please follow TrackOne and Jerry’s on our socials. In the age of social media, the bands who have the online followers are the ones who get the physical world gigs.

So, what are these big prizes? John, our guitarist, has donated a Dean six-string and a Luna ukulele. The Luna is a great concert-style ukulele with tattoo-inspired artwork. It’s a fun little instrument, perfect for anyone who wants to learn or already plays uke – unless you are Jake Shimabukuro.

The six-string has a killer look with Dean’s signature headstock, and it really does sound fantastic. Yeah, it’s not the best guitar in the world, but it’s a free guitar. Who says no to the chance of winning a free guitar!?

Above all, Jerry’s is a great place, and reason enough to come out for the night. A long bar and dining area with an area for dancing in front of the stage, and the food is fantastic! This is going to be a lot of fun. :)

Next show Saturday, August 24!